Sunday, January 31, 2010

Technology 01.29

As I sit down to actually think about all the technology I have used today, I am shocked. I woke up to the alarm on my phone and went to work. There I rely on registers, monitors, and the computer to get me through my shift. As I work, other managers and crew are texting and calling me for their schedule or for tasks to get done for the day. When I got off work, I came home to sit at my laptop and work on homework. Oddly enough I had to create a Twitter and Wikispace account for my Microcomputers in the Classroom class. Almost all of my homework is technology based. The microcomputer class I'm taking is focused completely around teaching future teachers how to incorporate technology in the classrooom. Even now as I type this, I am also watching TV and texting. It's almost crazy! This reminds me alot of Culture Jam. Lasn talks so much about how technology is taking over us. But do we even realize this? I haven't, until I actually sit back and take a look at it closely.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A little about me!

Hi! I'm Brittney Watson. I'm an Elementary Ed major at Shippensburg University. I'm a manager at KFC/Taco Bell in Ship. In my free time, I go country line dancing on Friday and Saturday nights and hang out with my boyfriend, friends, and family.