Friday, February 19, 2010

Feed 02.19

I really enjoyed Feed. I thought the book was very interesting and brought up some good ideas. Although having a Feed placed in your head doesn't seem like the greatest idea in the world, I personally think it has it's advantages. I think that having all of these things at your fingertips is kind of neat. I would love to be able to check out sales happening at my favorite stores right as it was happening. I think that being able to chat with other people without really talking out loud is kinda cool too. The up side to this is that when you are talking to them no one else would really know. I mean you could text them but then again all the other people in the room would know that you are texting back and forth. So that's another reason having the Feed is a good thing. It is also interesting how the Feed is able to adapt to each individual. It's pretty advanced technology. Even though I think this is a really good thing to have, I don't think I would want to have one implanted in my head. I don't know if I could handle it.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dumbest Generation 02.12

I don't think that we are the dumbest generation at all. I think that for someone to call us the dumbest generation is just ridiculous. It kind of makes me wonder who taught Dr. Bauerlein how to use his computer?!? Just like my dad, he is so knowledgable about maintainence stuff and I know nothing about that but I can teach him pretty much anything on the computer. All of these Cad programs that he uses I've taught him how to use. So that makes me dumb? I don't think so. I think if anything we are a technology based generation and just because we don't know everything about everything doesn't makes us dumb. In college we have general education courses that don't go too in depth with the information. If we know that much I think were good. Then you go full force into your major which I think you should know all about.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bell Hooks 02.05

I watched the Bell Hooks video link on Madonna. In this video she talks about how Madonna uses sex to make money. She makes herself sexy. In the Vanity Fair magazine she did a photo shoot where she is portrayed as a child. Even in this photo shoot for the magazine she uses sex and nudity to sell. Hooks says Madonna degrades herself to make a profit, when we all know that Madonna is a pretty wealthy person that she doesn't need to continue to make a profit. I think this is an important issued that was raised here. I don't see why women should feel the need to degrade themselves to gain money or attention.

The second video that I watched was on Rap Music. In this video she discusses the rap that is mainly about violence, sex, and foul language. Even though this music is so explicit, it sells so well. This is just the same as Madonna selling sex. Rap music is selling violence, sex, and language. These rap videos are degrading to women and make the males creating them seem sexist and degrading to women. I think at times rap music does contain alot of sex and violence in its lyrics and videos, but if you listen to all genres of music you will hear the same things. I just think that rap music takes it to a whole different degree of selling sex.