Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Clockwork Orange 03.26

I like the ending of the book and how Alex does better for himself and wants to grow up and start a family but I don't like how they came to the conclusion of doing so. I don't think that Alex should be out of prison. I think that he did all these bad things to people and needs to pay the price for the things that he has done. He needs to be in a cell and think about the things that he did to people. He deserves to think about the effect he had on the people's families and how now they have to live without that person in their life anymore because of the actions he did when he was younger. I don't think that just because he is a minor either that he deserves to be let off easy. I think that he needs to be treated as an adult because he knew exactly what he was doing. He also enjoyed what he was doing at the time he was doing it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Clockwork Orange 3.19

This book is a little out of my norm in reading choice but it's really opened my eyes to a different lifestyle. I definitely think it's not a good one though. Alex does some very disturbing things in his adventures out with his friends. I don't understand his thoughts or anything. I don't know how at his age thoughts of what he's doing even goes through his head!?!

I really didn't like doing the agree/disagree activity in class because of all of the controversial issues that arise in the novel. For most of the issues I was on the fence for them because I agree to a point and then once you've gone so far it's a different issue. So I think that all of the issues should have had an additional circumstance in them. Plus, once I had picked my personal view on the issue, someone else discusses something different that I agree with as well, so I had a difficult time with this activity.