Thursday, April 22, 2010

Possible Futures 04.23

Wow! I've learned so much this semster about things that our future could look like. One thing that really stuck out to me was the 'New World Order' that we saw in the video clip on Tuesday. I think it is insane that technology has gone so far that we can put mircochips in our arms right under the skin. This microchip would replace all forms of identification that a person would carry on themselves. I think it would be kind of neat to be able to just wave your arm infront of a machine and it be able to tell all the information about you. I think that it is great for someone who has a fear of identity theft or getting their credit card stolen. Especially if they can create it in a way that you can pay for things using the information on your arm.


  1. I also learned a lot this semester.. I don't know about the how microchip thing in your arm tho.. I think Yes it would have benefits but at the same time I don't know if I would want something implanted in my skin.. The whole idea just sorta scares me.. But I can also see the advantages and thing it would also be good for people who are unorganized and tend to lose things..

  2. I agree that it would be cool to be able to have all your information in your arm.. but there is another side to this. is technology becoming too advanced? Or would you want your parents to be able to invade your privacy at any minute and find out exactly where you were? I dont think i would.

  3. I wouldn't find having a chip in my arm too much fun, yes i wouldn't need a wallet but at the same time i wouldn't want to have the possibility of being tracked. You could say if you didn't do anything wrong you have nothing to fear, and call it paranoia but i wouldn't want to be a scape goat for the government or corporation if i were in the wrong place and at the wrong time. I suppose im still skeptical about it.
