Thursday, April 22, 2010

Possible Futures 04.23

Wow! I've learned so much this semster about things that our future could look like. One thing that really stuck out to me was the 'New World Order' that we saw in the video clip on Tuesday. I think it is insane that technology has gone so far that we can put mircochips in our arms right under the skin. This microchip would replace all forms of identification that a person would carry on themselves. I think it would be kind of neat to be able to just wave your arm infront of a machine and it be able to tell all the information about you. I think that it is great for someone who has a fear of identity theft or getting their credit card stolen. Especially if they can create it in a way that you can pay for things using the information on your arm.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fahrenheit 451 04.16

Why would Montag's wife turn him in for having books from fires!? Or I'm pretty sure she is the one who turned him in. I mean, when she hears the alarm she's ready to leave with a packed suitcase and a cab has already been called? Interesting... She either called or knew it was coming. But why?, that's your husband and you're reading the books too! That would get the both of you in trouble and cause you to have to give them up. I don't understand why she would do that?? It's keeping me interested, I wanna read more to find out!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Fahrenheit 451 04.09

So far I have really enjoyed reading this book. I find it very interesting with a very different story line. I think that Montag has a very interesting job. When I think of firefighters, I think of people being heros but when I read this book it isn't the case. Montag's job is to set houses and and the books in them on fire to destroy them. I think that is very weird. I just sometimes wonder what these people think when they hear fire alarms going off. I know I think of a hero when I hear the fire alarms. I also find this book to be very ironic. I find it odd that this book is about book being banned from the public and all the books being burnt. When in real time this book was banned itself when it was first published.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Clockwork Orange 03.26

I like the ending of the book and how Alex does better for himself and wants to grow up and start a family but I don't like how they came to the conclusion of doing so. I don't think that Alex should be out of prison. I think that he did all these bad things to people and needs to pay the price for the things that he has done. He needs to be in a cell and think about the things that he did to people. He deserves to think about the effect he had on the people's families and how now they have to live without that person in their life anymore because of the actions he did when he was younger. I don't think that just because he is a minor either that he deserves to be let off easy. I think that he needs to be treated as an adult because he knew exactly what he was doing. He also enjoyed what he was doing at the time he was doing it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Clockwork Orange 3.19

This book is a little out of my norm in reading choice but it's really opened my eyes to a different lifestyle. I definitely think it's not a good one though. Alex does some very disturbing things in his adventures out with his friends. I don't understand his thoughts or anything. I don't know how at his age thoughts of what he's doing even goes through his head!?!

I really didn't like doing the agree/disagree activity in class because of all of the controversial issues that arise in the novel. For most of the issues I was on the fence for them because I agree to a point and then once you've gone so far it's a different issue. So I think that all of the issues should have had an additional circumstance in them. Plus, once I had picked my personal view on the issue, someone else discusses something different that I agree with as well, so I had a difficult time with this activity.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Feed 02.19

I really enjoyed Feed. I thought the book was very interesting and brought up some good ideas. Although having a Feed placed in your head doesn't seem like the greatest idea in the world, I personally think it has it's advantages. I think that having all of these things at your fingertips is kind of neat. I would love to be able to check out sales happening at my favorite stores right as it was happening. I think that being able to chat with other people without really talking out loud is kinda cool too. The up side to this is that when you are talking to them no one else would really know. I mean you could text them but then again all the other people in the room would know that you are texting back and forth. So that's another reason having the Feed is a good thing. It is also interesting how the Feed is able to adapt to each individual. It's pretty advanced technology. Even though I think this is a really good thing to have, I don't think I would want to have one implanted in my head. I don't know if I could handle it.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dumbest Generation 02.12

I don't think that we are the dumbest generation at all. I think that for someone to call us the dumbest generation is just ridiculous. It kind of makes me wonder who taught Dr. Bauerlein how to use his computer?!? Just like my dad, he is so knowledgable about maintainence stuff and I know nothing about that but I can teach him pretty much anything on the computer. All of these Cad programs that he uses I've taught him how to use. So that makes me dumb? I don't think so. I think if anything we are a technology based generation and just because we don't know everything about everything doesn't makes us dumb. In college we have general education courses that don't go too in depth with the information. If we know that much I think were good. Then you go full force into your major which I think you should know all about.